Gemstone Advice


  • Per session@30 min
  • Alternate opinion and Advice on Gemstone(s)
  • Why am I wearing that Gemstone?
  • Parents insisting on that Gemstone.
  • Why? Generic Discussion on Gemstones Suitability
  • Which Fingers, rings and pendants


Detailed Description

1. This consultation seeks to answer any of your queries on Gemstones and their suitability and also guide on what are most suitable ones you should wear and the rationale or reasoning. The intended results to be seen and observed for better evaluation of effectiveness of the Gemstone you are wearing or going to wear. Manifestation of results of same Gemstones are different for different persons. Optimisation of results and relevant fingers for wearing.

2. You can seek an alternate opinion before investing into a Gemstone. Generally after due evaluation of your horoscope the learned astrologers will recommend remedial measures including Gemstones and Mantras etc. This recommendation may come directly to you or through your parents, spouse and relatives etc. It’s a good idea to seek a second opinion before making an investment as Real and precious Gemstones are expensive.

3. Seeking a Comparison between wearing a Semi-precious category and Precious category Gemstones. There are 9 precious Gemstones and they are high priced unlike semi-precious or non-precious stones. There is a subtle difference betwen the effects of both category. An expert opinion will help better investment.

4. Any other general and misc queries about Gemstones.

Additional information


30 Minutes, 60 minutes

1 review for Gemstone Advice

  1. Ervin Danielovich

    I eagerly anticipate your fresh and unique perspectives. It keeps me returning for more.

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