Special Consultation

(Goal Based Consultation)

(Corporate Solutions)

Goal Based Consultation

This is our main offering in consultations and in my view this is the real essence of Jyotisha or Vedic Astrology consultation. Here we take up a particular goal which is specific and well defined by the client(s) and then we work on achieving the goal together as a team in a collaborative manner. Here, we play the role of a mentor or Guru, the friend, philosopher and the true guide. The goals would generally be solving a problem  in life or optimizing results in desirable areas such as professional growth, business performance improvement etc.

Special Consultation

The special consultation is aimed at people looking for very specific matters and entails continuous or repeated astrological analysis and support for a longer duration. These will vary from case to case basis and needs to be handled differently from General consultation, which is largely a single consultation. These involve critical analysis and a lot of research and accordingly the fee is chargeable on a case to case basis. Some of these are listed as under for better understanding

Health Issues

Dangerous and complicated Long terms diseases like Cancer, AIDS, Cardiac issues, Depression, Genetic disorders and such like issues. The aim will be to provide an insight into the disease, diagnosis using vedic astrology and root cause analysis of the issue. This is not an attempt to substitute the advice of medical professionals and treatment as in normal course, but aimed at providing an insight or an opinion for better assessment of the disease.

Matrimony Matters

Here we will work on issues like Marital discord and Related Issues, Multiple marital failures, Marriage not getting solemnized despite lots of efforts. Marriage in exceptional cases, like love marriage with a specific person, marriage despite various doshas in kundlis of prospective couple or any other special reasons.

Progeny and Child Birth Matters

Sexual matters, Pregnancy related issues and complications, No Pregnancy or lack of conception, Repeated Miscarriage, Gynae issues. Male sexual issues like Erectile Dysfunction, matters related to Semen and Sperm.

Professional matters

Professional failures, Business Failures or recurring Losses, Correct Career choice and growth in profession, promotion etc.

Abroad related matters

Studying or working abroad, planning and timing it suitably.

Miscellaneous Matters

Issues which are not specifically covered elsewhere in this menu.

Corporate Solutions Package

This is a customized solutions package for corporates. In this we design solutions based on requirement of improvements sought by the Business or HR department to improve the productivity of employees and leadership so that they can contribute to positive business growth, be more competitive, focused and for overall improved workplace environment. A few areas are highlighted for understanding what we can deliver.

  • Recruitment and Hiring of Leadership such as Managers and up to CEO level. We will assist in giving you insights into each individual candidate, his potential, likelihood of accepting to join and future retention and expected performance levels. These inputs can be integrated into other information set for a better and holistic understanding of candidates. This shall help you choose the best person for best job leading to a fulfilling experience both for the company and the individual employee.
  • Training and Development – Presently companies invest huge budgets for training their employees in a ‘One size fit all’ approach. This approach seldom produces desirable results. We will assist in giving you insights on the talent or intrinsic skills the employee has, and what he really needs to sharpen his skills to become more efficient and effective. The training can then be customized for the particular employee(s) so that it brings out best in them and the financial resources are best invested for a win-win arrangement. This can make the company ‘ the best place to work for’ and somebody who cares for the employees. It can reduce attrition rates giving a competitive edge to the overall business. This can be an excellent option for leadership and Managerial positions.
  • Interpersonal skills and Group Dynamics – We are well aware of the size and spread of the organizations these days. They range from a local office with few employees to globally spread MNCs with a million head count, spread from a small office to multiple continental geographies with entirely different language, cultures and nuances. Leaders are expected to manage such humungous setups seamlessly. This poses entirely different level of challenges. Working together for common goals and rewards thus needs good communication and group dynamics skills. In such a scenario organizations with even best of the people and skillset have collapsed due to lack of cohesion in the group. We have seen many a times in various sports that teams with not so great line-up defeating teams with aces and outstanding players purely due to lack of good coordination and interpersonal or group dynamics. We can help various groups and teams by improving the understanding of each member about other in the team and build up on their inadequacies, guide and mentor them with right guidance and coaching plus counseling. We can also help suggest the right role to the right member of the team to improve the performance as also make the leader and led snugly fit into a cohesive unit performing at desired standards.
  • Miscellaneous – Any other areas as desired by the client.
  • Costs – As per the Project.